Friday, 8 January 2016

Finish-A-Long 2016

2016 FAL

Well it is list making time again and as per usual I am going to be very ambitious but also realistic about my chances of completing anything on the list below. My success rate last year was not good so I am suggesting that one project from the list below would be great. 

Thank you to all who are hosting the 2016 Finish Along. I love looking at other people's amazing achievements and being inspired by them.

Here is my Quarter 1 list

1.  This has been on the list for all of last year but now has the final border on and the backing joined. Just need to baste, quilt and bind.

2. My nephew's quilt. Needing quilting and binding.

3 Another rollover - Jelly Roll Quilt -Basting , quilting and binding.

4. This Mystery Quilt is halfway quilted. It would be nice to get it finished.

5. These 3 sew together bags are taking far too long.

6. These cupcake mitts have proven to be very fiddly but I will persist as I cut so many out. A head start on Christmas maybe.

Good luck with all your Quarter 1 Finish Along projects.
Happy stitching.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Final Finish Along 2015

2015 Finish-Along

I've just  linked my finishes in the 2015 Finish Along Q4 with Adrienne at

I have enjoyed looking at everyone's finishes and started on my list for 2016. It is daunting but as I am so good at rolling projects over each quarter I am sure I will not be too concerned and will get something completed eventually.

Thanks Adrienne for hosting this massive undertaking.My finishes are below.

Good luck with those 2016 Quarter 1 lists.

Happy Stitching
