Sunday, 8 February 2015

Slow Progress

Well work has been extremely busy and there has not been much time for sewing so my 2015 Finish-Along items have been stagnating. I have tried to grab some time every so often and as such have only been able to work on the hexagons. I have made some progress with these and am enjoying the hand sewing but am also wanting to get back to my sewing machine.

My last great effort on the machine involved these 2 quilts for our God children. They are made  from Wacky Rolls by Wacky Jacky that I picked up at a couple of years ago. Lots of fun and quick to make. The orange in the blue quilt is a hand dyed fabric by Lisa Walton at Dyed & Gone to Heaven 
I love her fabrics, they are such beautiful, jewel like colours.

Hopefully you have plenty of time for sewing this week. I know I am going to try to find some time.
Happy stitching.

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