Saturday, 24 September 2016

It counts as a finish of sorts... doesn't it?

I have completed a layout and in my mind that counts as a finish of sorts. While my fabric selection looked good as a clump I was not happy with it once the blocks were completed.
This quilt will be a gift for a 10 year old boy. It started off as red blue and black only but needed a lift hence the yellow star in the centre.

The problem with having 20+ projects on the go is that I never have an uninterrupted finish but hey that works for me.

I love seeing what others are making and am linking up with Finish it up Friday.
Happy stitching.


  1. Jenell, I've always loved that pattern. Think it looks great. I'm the same way about my work routine. It seems to work for me. That's why I set up WIPs Be Gone. He's going to love it.

  2. Your quilt is a perfect boy quilt. 1/2 square triangles are so versatile.
