Saturday, 25 February 2017

No Longer Lost in Space

This finish has been named Deep Space after living in a quilting black hole for 8 1/2 years. I started this in 2008 when we first moved to Queensland. It kept me company and also kept my sanity. Then I started working full-time and it was pushed to the back burner. It took me a while to get back in the quilting swing. Once quilting again there were so many things I wanted to do that this quilt was not a priority. Now I can say that it has been feeling the love again, is no longer abandoned and is finished!

I hand basted this way back when and can safely say that I will, wherever possible, never do that again. Given that it sat bunched up for 8 years there is not too much puckering in the quilting.

I love the solid purple backing and white with black daisy binding. Now I try to piece my backings from all the left over pieces in each quilt so the solid was a trip down memory lane. 

Deep Space was on my Finish Along Q1 list. So also another tick that this quilt is finally finished.

I am linking up with Finish it up Friday and Finished or Not Friday.

Happy Stitching


  1. That's gorgeous! My daughter's favorite color is black and her second favorite is purple. Great color choices ;)

  2. Very the magenta and teal with the black and white

  3. Love it!! I'm so glad you finished it and shared it with us. Even without seeing your name for it, I saw the night sky and thought of outer space.

  4. The colours sparkle! This quilt deserves to be hauled out of the black hole for sure. Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2017 global FAL hosts.
