Saturday, 11 March 2017

Keeping Myself in Line

I have so many WIPS that I feel like I need to remind myself of this and to not go and cut out another quilt which is what I so desperately want to do. This All Linked Up quilt, which I bought as a kit from Connecting Threads and is a pattern by Crazy Mom Quilts as well as her fabric line, just needs to be basted quilted and bound but other fabric is calling. So I thought if I put it out there I just might make myself stay on the quilting straight and narrow and get this one done. Every time I look at another blog there is another project that I would like to have a go at
All Linked UP

It is a simple and effective pattern that in this case should result in a really fresh quilt top. I have chosen to use the scraps to make the binding and am loving the pop of colour that I think it is going to add.

All Linked Up

Linking up with Finish it Up Friday hoping it will be finished soon.

Happy Stitching

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