Monday 4 April 2016

A Third Finish Just in Time for the end of the Quarter

Three finishes from my great list of UFOs and planned projects is a pretty good start to the year and possibly my best Finish Along quarter ever. my original list is here. Finish Along Q1 List I am happy with what I have acheived this quarter.

2016 FAL

This has finally become the quilt below.

This one is a mystery quilt that was featured in Australian Patchwork & Quilting magazine in 2014. There was a slight hiccup with the instructions but I got there in the end.

I changed the suggested colour way in the pattern. The original had a light coloured solid look for the main star and I wanted to make this one entirely from what I already had in the cupboard. I also lean towards the stronger and brighter colours hence the swapping out of the cream fabric for the blue and a rainbow of colours for the remainder of the quilt.

There is a hand dyed fabric from Lisa Walton at Dyed & Gone To Heaven ( the red fabric) as well as other fabrics from stash.

The borders were added just to make the quilt slightly larger. It has finished at 64 x 64 inches. I quilted it with alternating straight lines to follow the v of the star points, between 3 and 5 lines of quilting across each line of the star in the 4 big triangle quarters to the centre.

I am enjoying the brightness of this quilt.

Happy stitching.



  1. I like the brightness too ! It's a wonderful quilt !

  2. This is a beautiful quilt, it's so nice that you have got is all done! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts.
